KL Worships - 10 am Service
In Person or Online

Join us at 10 am on February 9 for our Sunday Service
with our Minister Rev. Jaylynn Byassee

Scripture: I Corinthians 1: 18-31
“The Language of the Cross”

Nursery Care Available
We hope you will use our newly appointed Nursery Room for infants to age 3. Consistent, caring caregivers will be available to nurture your little ones while parents enjoy the service.

Sunday School for JK to Grade 5 continues under the direction of Miss Victoria in the large, recently reorganized main room.

Our Children’s Choir is welcoming new singers—if your child loves to sing, they’d be a great addition!

Parents and grandparents, when you can, let your children lead you to church. It’s a wonderful way to grow in faith together!

Following the service, for those attending in person, join us in the Auditorium for Coffee & Conversation.

Sunday Service(s) Online Order of Service
Fresh Start
"Informal - Interactive - Inspirational"

Join Fresh Start this Sunday, February 9 with our Speaker Rev. Dr. Candice Bist

Gather on Zoom at 8:15 am and the service will start at 8:30 am.

Meeting ID: 891 3993 4036
Passcode: 238796

Fresh Start Zoom Link