KL Worships - 10am Service
In Person or Online

Join us at 10 am this Sunday for our Advent 2 Service
with our Minister Rev. Jaylynn Byassee

Sermon: “A Hint of Light”
Scripture: Luke 1: 68-79

Following the service, for those attending in person,
join us for Coffee & Conversation in the Auditorium

Sunday Service(s) Online Order of Service
Fresh Start
"Informal - Interactive - Inspirational"

Join us on Sunday, December 8 with our Speaker Rev. Colin McCartney

Gather on Zoom at 8:15 am and the service will start at 8:30 am.

Meeting ID: 891 3993 4036
Passcode: 238796

Fresh Start Zoom Link
Marvel & Miracle
Advent Hope and Prayer Offering

Rev. Jaylynn will lead via Zoom on Dec 12 & Dec 18 at 7:00 pm

Jesus’ arrival on earth changed the course of history forever. Not only for those who lived in the first century, but for those of us in the twenty-first century as well. The miracle and marvel of the Advent season demonstrates that we are precious to Him. He’s not a distant God. He is Emmanuel, God with us. That includes wherever you are, right now.

Join us all or any of the evenings as we gather and grow and pray together.

Gather on Zoom at 6:50 pm 

Meeting ID: 823 9737 6930
Passcode: 953548

Marvel & Miracle Zoom Link

Stewardship is a year-round opportunity.  It is never too late to pledge.  
Please email your intentions to: finance@kingswaylambton.ca

 Thank you to all who have already pledged.

Open Volunteer Roles

Wondering how you might use your talents? Seeking to get involved in our church community? Kingsway-Lambton is looking for individuals to join the following teams:

  • Engagement Ministry (Lead or Co-Lead)
  • Gifts & Giving Ministry (Co-Leads)

To learn more or to pass along a name, please contact office@kingswaylambton.ca