KL Worships - 10am Service

Join us this Sunday, July 28 for our 10am worship service with our
Guest Speaker: Dr Stephen Scharper

Sermon:  “Storying Our Hope: Narratives as Wellsprings in Anxious Times”
Scripture: Luke 15:11-32

Click to view Order of Service

For those attending in person, join us for Lemonade on the Lawn following the service.

Click to View Prior Services

Fresh Start
"Informal - Interactive - Inspirational"

Join Zoom Service Sunday Mornings @ 8:15 for 8:30 StartMeeting ID: 839 4180 4545 - Passcode: 182363

Fresh Start takes a break for Summer.
See you in the Fall!


Stewardship is a year-round opportunity.  It is never too late to pledge.  
Please email your intentions to: finance@kingswaylambton.ca

 Thank you to all who have already pledged.

Open Volunteer Roles

Wondering how you might use your talents? Seeking to get involved in our church community? Kingsway-Lambton is looking for individuals to join the following teams:

  • Engagement Ministry (Lead or Co-Lead)
  • Gifts & Giving Ministry (Co-Leads)

To learn more or to pass along a name, please contact office@kingswaylambton.ca