Community Outreach & Social Justice Committee

We seek to live out this message. Several groups within K-L come together through Outreach to engage with and support groups outside our church. We do this by raising funds for and providing non-financial support agencies in our community that provide many life essentials to the underprivileged. Outreach donations will create miracles! We support: Out of the Cold, Lake Scugog, The Gatehouse, Youth Without Shelter, Youth Unlimited, Stonegate Ministry, and Parkdale Golden Age Foundation. Contact us at to get invovled!

Out Of The Cold

Out of the Cold is a city-wide initiative by many churches to support the homeless and disadvantaged. Each week the program provides meals and overnight accommodation for those in need. K-L's provided 2 dinners serving 200+ meals.  That’s 80 lbs of potatoes, 10 eye of round roasts, and 10kg of peas and carrots, and a LOT of bread pudding! Watch Our Video!!

The Warmth Inititive

An overwhelming success again this year with more than 100 large bags of warm clothing generously donated by members of the community and our congregation!  The donations were delivered to charities that help people experiencing homelessness and poverty.  A special thanks goes to the volunteer team of over 20 members of our congregation who helped sort, bag and deliver the mountain of clothing!

The Coldest Night of the Year

On Saturday, February 24, 2024, from 9:30am – 11:00am, K-L did a local walk to support of our friends at Connect City Ministries. They are helping vulnerable people - displaced families, both homeless and newcomer refugees, and youth in government housing. To find out how you can help,click here: CNOY

Grace Notes

A musical troop of singers and instrumentalists who perform in Retirement Communities, Long Term Care and Assisted Living Residences.  Our varied styles of music include spirituals, 50's and 60's hits,  and popular show tunes, all designed to reminisce with and engage the audience.  For more info or to join, Contact the Church Office.

The Close Knitters

The Close Knitters give back to the community by donating their work to hospitals, community centre(s) and our own church family. Yarn and patterns are provided for projects and skill levels. A beginner or advanced, you are welcome to share your creativity and knitting and crocheting skills! For more information, contact

Honduras Mission

Members of K-L serve on the El Hogar Board, collect needed items, volunteer and support El Hogar through annual mission trips. Teams from K-L have traveled to El Hogar de Amor Y Esperanza, a school and orphanage for boys and girls in Tegucigalpa, Honduras. Our team lives, works, plays and learns with the children and staff. It is an incredibly rewarding experience! For more information, contact the Church Office.

Anti Racism

The United Church of Canada has committed to becoming an anti-racist denomination. People in the church are working on frameworks and strategic directions—including ways to involve of the whole church.For more info, or to contact us, our email address is and our Instagram acct is: kl_arls. Please click here for additional resources and reading lists.

Food Drives

K-L participate in seasonal food drives. Items needed include: pasta sauces, cereals, peanut butter, canned; meat, fish, beans, fruit, and baby food. Diapers sizes 5 and 6. All donated food goes to Christ Church St. James on Park Lawn Avenue to distribute through their food pantry ministry which provides food to the Stonegate Community.

K-L Shoe Donations

Bio-ped helps people one pair of shoes at a time. Bioped and Soles4Souls support those less fortunate break the cycle of poverty, enabling them to do more in their lives by collecting gently used shoes, to distribute to those who really need them. K-L donates remaining shoes collected at the annual Flea-Market. Read More at: BioPed and Soles4Souls

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