Notice is hereby given that an in-person Congregational Meeting will be held in the Auditorium on Sunday June 23 at 11:15 am.
We welcome all members and adherents. Those in attendance will be asked to approve our updated Kingsway-Lambton Community of Faith Profile (Living Faith Story and Coordinating Minister Position Description) and to ​appoint a Search Team to lead the effort to fill the position of permanent Coordinating Minister; with a view to completing the call process when the Search Team has identified a qualified candidate that it wishes to present to the congregation (Position description attached below).
This search, when completed, will enable a change in our current supply status to a permanent called status for our Coordinating Minister position. (The required process allows all ordained United Church clergy, including Rev. Jaylynn, to express their interest in the permanent position.)
If you'd like to express your interest in joining the Search Team (attached below is a list of qualities, based on United Church of Canada best practices, we're looking for), then please contact our Church Council at the email address indicated in the link by June 18, 2024.