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A Time of Transition

As we sadly bid farewell to Rev. Hugh Reid, our beloved shepherd of the past 22 years, his departure triggers a time of major change for Kingsway-Lambton.

How are we going to meet this time of transition? Will we capitalize on the opportunities of the changing world outside our doors? What are we looking for as we find a new leader that can lead us into a vibrant future? On a personal level, what would make you feel positive, even excited, about the role of Kingsway-Lambton in your life in the coming years? 

Congregational Workshop on Saturday, September 23

If you’d like to be part of the conversation, voice your dreams and learn about new ideas for transition and growth, join the congregational visioning workshop on Saturday, September 23.   

The workshop will be led by Rev. Dr. John Pentland the leader and senior minister at Hillhurst United Church in Calgary, a congregation that has undergone remarkable transformation and continues growing, inspiring and engaging their wider community.

What are the FISHING TIPS?

You’ll recall the familiar story in John 21:1-6...After a discouraging night of fishing the disciples hear Jesus’ voice from the shore with advice to “cast your nets on the other side of the boat!” While they are somewhat skeptical, they are also curious, so they follow Jesus’ advice and are rewarded with overflowing nets. This is the inspiration for John’s book “FISHING TIPS: How Curiosity Transformed a Community of Faith”.

John has led workshops at dozens of United Churches & presbyteries across Canada as well as with other denominations in Canada & the U.S. sharing the story Hillhurst’s growth. Their vision is fun, modern and gutsy…they regularly “cast their nets on the other side of the boat.” 

Kingsway-Lambton’s vision will be different than Hillhurst’s and so the purpose of this workshop is to provide new perspectives, a starting point and a process for us to go forward and decide what our church will become as we transition to the next phase.

Everyone is Invited

So whether you are a regular, occasional, new or former participant, we urge you to sign up for this FREE workshop to explore what our church is, what our church can be and what our church needs to be to stay strong into the future. 

Mark your calendar for Saturday, September 23, 2023… coffee/snacks at 8:30 am, workshop from 9 am - 2 pm at the church (lunch will be served).  Childcare will be available.  

How to Register for Workshop


There are two types of tickets, one for the workshop, and one for childcare please make sure that you select the right one. 

  1. Select "Vision Workshop with Rev. Dr. John Pentland/Fishing Tips" ticket and complete the name and email fields  
    1. If registering multiple people, select "Add Attendee" after the the email field for each person
  2. If registering a child for childcare, select "Childcare Registration" and complete the form
    1. If registering multiple children, select "Add Attendee" after the email field for each child
  3. Read and check the "Use of information" 
  4. At the very bottom, select the "Register" button 
  5. You will receive an email confirming your registration after you click 'Submit".

Give half of your Saturday and the church will give you years of love! 

Warm regards,

The “Fishing Tips” Organizing Team 
Karen Neave, Donna-Lee Waymann, Sandra Linsdell, Priscilla Knight, Deane Collinson & Judy Collinson

P.S. If you have a question or are interested in buying ($20) or borrowing (free) a copy of John’s FISHING TIPS book, please contact or

P.P.S. If you’d be willing to help out with Friday set-up and/or serving food on Saturday, we’d LOVE to hear from you! 

Register Now